robots.txt details

saved: size: 771 kb md5 checksum: b3a479a47d449b988260c3e099e23450

websites using this robots.txt


User-agent: *

# Only allow URLs generated with RealURL
Disallow: /*?id=*
Disallow: /*&id=*

# L=0 is the default language
Disallow: /*?L=0*
Disallow: /*&L=0*

# typeNum = 98 is usually the print version.
Disallow: /*?type=98*
Disallow: /*&type=98*

# indexed_search configuration
#Disallow: /*?tx_indexedsearch

# Should always be protected (.htaccess)
Disallow: /*/Private/*
Disallow: /*/Configuration/*

Disallow: /typo3temp/*
Allow: /typo3temp/*.css
Allow: /typo3temp/*.css.*.gzip
Allow: /typo3temp/*.js
Allow: /typo3temp/*.js.*.gzip
Allow: /typo3temp/*.jpg
Allow: /typo3temp/*.gif
Allow: /typo3temp/*.png

Disallow: *.sql
Disallow: *.sql.gz
Disallow: /offene-stellen/stellenangebot-von-comwrap/job/stelle/bewerbung/*
